Disruptive Innovation Technology
Every person has a longing to be significant; to make a contribution; to be a part of something noble and purposeful.
John C. Maxwell
Collaborative Team
Mikeela Pittman
Alyssa Malveaux
Maria Lopez
ADL program has been more of what I expected. Persuading into a graduate program has been my dream for a long time. I committed to being dedicated and doing my best. After many years out of school and basic technological skills, I knew it would be challenging, but it became an information overload. I work on my projects every day after work and on the weekends. I have been so motivated that I wish the days could have more hours to keep me going.
Although I read the book Blended by Horn & Staker and learned about different learning models, I was surprised when Dr. H asked me to change something in my organization. I remember my thoughts __What can I change? I am only a tutor; I don’t have a classroom and work every hour with different students. __ Reading the articles, watching the videos, sharing ideas in the discussion forum, and working with my collaborative team helped me identify innovation opportunities at my school.
I started taking ownership of my learning. My first proposal was a station rotation with my sweet third-grade kids, but I also wanted to implement the ePortfolios. When I submitted the first assignment and received Dr. H’s feedback, I had two projects in my proposal. I chose ePortfolios but realized third-grade students were too young for this innovation opportunity. The disengagement I observed among my 5th-grade students gave me a clue to focus on them. I presented my idea to the homeroom teacher, who loved it and supported me. Working on a real problem made me feel engaged and strengthened me to keep going.
Writing has been a huge challenge for me. I needed help with my communication skills. Everything makes sense in my mind; I understand and connect, but putting my ideas into words is hard for me. A single piece of writing I have to proofread many times; as an example, I submitted my Letter Proposal four times. The feedbacks on the blackboard discussion were helpful, especially the one by Seth Cohen.
Collaboration was new for me, too. I am shy, and I feel uncomfortable having to talk with people I don’t know. I overcame my fears and took the initiative to form my team. The first one to respond was Mikeela Pittman, then Alyssa Malveaux joined us. I understand now how important it is to collaborate with others. Sharing ideas and giving and receiving feedback during the research on our Literature Review was very helpful.
With all the research done, and because I was already on track, the Implementation Outline and Annotated Bibliography were not as hard as the other components of the Innovation Plan. I truly enjoy creating my Call to Action Video.
Reflecting on my learning journey in this class, I gave my best effort every day. I took ownership of my learning by reviewing all the material recommended by Dr. H (readings, videos, and other sources outside of the course suggestions), attending all live sessions for the class, finishing my assignments before the due date to share with my team for feedback and submitted them on time. I participated in every discussion on the blackboard, giving constructivist feedback and replying with appreciation when receiving it; I improved my assignments after the feedback from peers and Dr. Harapnuik. I also posted more than the minimum reflections required.
For the past weeks, I have been working really hard and giving all my time to these ADL courses, Since there is always room for improvement, I will continue to grow in every area (especially in APA format), but also I need to balance my study time with my life outside the program. I honestly feel that I have met all my key and supporting contributions for this course, my score is 47/50.
Links for some of my reflections
Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). Assessment OF/FOR/AS learning. It's about learning. Retrieved February 24, 2023.
Harapnuik, D. (n.d.).COVA. It's about learning. Retrieved February 24, 2023. www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=6991
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