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"If you change your mindset, you have the ability to change your whole world".

Damien Thomas

As an educator, I constantly look for learning tools to implement in my classroom to promote positive student outcomes. In this ADL program, I had the opportunity to be taught using innovative methods and strategies that I plan to use with my students. The COVA approach continues to positively impact my learning as I go through this program. Making my studies engaging and enjoyable. Reading the book Mindset: The New Science of Psychology (Dweck, C., 2007) change my perspective about failing forward. Adopting a growth mindset, I can allow myself to make mistakes and learn from them. I am looking forward to seeing what other learning tools/strategies can gain from this program.

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Growing our mindset is an everyday process; it's a positive lifestyle that can help me achieve my goals. Writing has been my weakness; it takes me hours to write a reflection. The power of yet keeps me going because I learned that skills and talents can be developed through effort and persistence. With a growth mindset, I can fail forward, embrace challenges, accept criticism, and find inspiration in others' successes. As a part of my Innovation Plan, I developed a Growth Mindset Plan to help me prepare and motivate the ePortfolio's adopters.

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My Learning Manifesto is the declaration of my passion for learning and teaching. I believe in using technology meaningfully as an essential element in the classroom in today's education. I intend to integrate the head, heart, and hands into my teaching philosophy to prepare my students with the 21st-century skills needed for this modern world.

In any organization, collaboration is the key to achieving common goals. For educators, being part of learning communities is beneficial. We grow together through different groups and networks that share our beliefs and passions. Living in a world where technology can connect us with individuals worldwide makes it easy to interact with people. I recently joined three Learning Networks, which I would like to share.


Writing my thoughts is a habit that I am trying to adopt. I found it very beneficial when learning something new. I follow the process of reading, thinking, writing, and applying or connecting my learning with my Innovation Plan. My reflections are part of this process.


Dweck, C. (2008). Mindset: the new psychology of success. New York, NY.

Ballantine Books

Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). COVA. It's about learning. Retrieved April 10, 2023.

Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). ADL Why & Principles. It's about learning. Retrieved April 10, 2023.


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