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Feedback & Feedforward

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

"Instead of talking about performance, Momentous focuses on potential -not who students are right now, but who they're going to be and what they can do to get there. They deliver feedforward that builds autonomy and speaks to the creator inside of every child".

Joe Hirsch

What is feedback? -Feedback is information or response about how one is doing when trying to reach or accomplish a goal. When we give feedback to our students, we usually make notes or corrections in a determined assignment.

In my first ADL course, I learned the concept of “feedforward.” In my opinion, it is an upgraded version of feedback. While feedback tells you about your performance, feedforward suggests how you can improve it. Feedforward is more like coaching, guiding, directing, and giving recommendations.

If we as teachers consider giving feedforward to our students instead of feedback, it could make a huge difference in their achievement. How can we prepare our learners to receive feedforward? -helping them to adopt a growth mindset. Learners with a fixed mindset don’t accept criticism; they can see suggestions or corrections as failures. Scholars with a growth mindset know that learning is a process that requires hard work; they learn from mistakes and know there is always room for improvement.

Another important key in preparing our learners to receive feedforward is building a trusting relationship with them and showing them we care.


Dweck, C. (2008). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY. Ballantine Books

Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). Feedback & Feedforward. Retrieved April 15, 2023.


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