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Why use an ePortfolio

Updated: Feb 19, 2023

A little progress each day

adds up to big results.

Satia Nani

The answer to why one should use an ePortfolio is simple, because of all the numerous benefits that bring to students, educators, and the workforce. When students develop digital portfolios, they can see benefits from the process and the product. The invisible learning they have during the process through reflection is a valuable exercise in self-assessment. Self-confidence enhances as students take control of their learning process. Self-conducted learning through lifetime became a habit. From the product or visible learning, ePortfolio could be beneficial as a tool for personal development and feedback; It's also a personal learning record that can be shown to teachers or future employers. An important benefit for teachers is that ePortfolios allow them to track students' progress; develop an appreciation for challenges that students are experiencing while writing a reflective statement that identifies learning. For employees, ePorfolios portray their best work and learning evidence to request a promotion.

I started to develop my e-portfolio, feeling motivated and working hard in spite of the challenges. The most visible benefit that I can see in myself until now is

engagement. I have been a learner all my life, and it could have been amazing if I had documented evidence of that experiences in an ePortfolio.

COVA ebook

Why use an ePortfolio

Reflection4Learning -

41 Benefits of an ePortfolio

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