"I want to inspire people to be more
than they thought they could be.
-Steve Prefontaine
Seeing the work of previous students has helped me since the beginning of the creation of my ePortfolio. Whenever I have had a doubt, I begin to explore different examples. I have seen almost every single one from the links Dr. Harapnuik sent.
It has been very inspiring to look at other ePortfolios, and discover different creative and innovative projects. I found every one unique; each one presenting their ideas on a way that make sense to them.
When I first checked out Dr. Harapnuik's ePortfolio, I had a better idea of what he was talking about in our first class. I noticed something in common among all these portfolios, their creators have taken ownership of their learning journeys.
These ePortfolios were an inspiration to me:
Dr. Harapnuik -It's About Learning
George Couros – The Principal of Change: Stories of learning and leading htttp://georgecouros.ca/blog/
His book "The innovator’s mindset" is now on my reading list.
Brooke Josephs https://bjosephs6.wixsite.com/teachingincolor/project09
Rebecca Lynn Taylor https://rebeccalynntaylor.wordpress.com/
Jamie Velazquez