"The flipped classroom isn't a methodology it's an ideology."
Brian Bennett
To make our PL sessions the most effective, we need to make them more engaging and active by allowing time for discussions and collaboration. One of the most remarkable advantages of the Flipped Model-Base is that it creates a self-peace learning environment. Creating these short videos help the learner to have a better understanding of the material before the actual training session. Having background knowledge before the workshop also allows more time for discussions and collaboration. Since everyone learns at a different pace, these videos will enable the learner to watch them more than once or at their own convenience. Moreover, everyone can review them after the training to reinforce their knowledge. Since they are designed to be short, the attention span is better.
It is also important to include breaks in our PL sessions where participants have the opportunity to walk, talk, give, and receive feedback from their colleagues. This strategy is effective because walking activates the brain, which can increase memory, attention, creativity, and performance.
Dr. Lodge argues that it is critical for teachers to create opportunities for their learners to get up and move in their classrooms.
Modeling this learning environment for PL sessions gives teachers the experience and inspiration to implement this flipped learning model in their classrooms.
Peter Gray argues that in order to revolutionize learning, we need to become self-directed learners.
We need to take ownership of our knowledge and be more childlike. Gray also says that learners need unlimited opportunities to play (freedom to act, foster curiosity, encourage experimentation, inquire, and imagination) to discover and develop their passion. We need environments where we have access to unlimited resources (time and tools) to explore and find our passions. Create a culture of collaboration where everyone can learn from each other. Moreover, the guidance of the expert is crucial too. A mentor that supports instead of evaluating or judging.
My professional learning plan will include the elements of COVA (Choice, Ownership, Voice, and authentic learning opportunities). The ePortfolio adopters will have the choice to select the platform to develop their websites and how they will organize and present the learning pieces of evidence. They will have a voice through the discussion and reflection. By being exposed to this authentic learning environment, they will become engaged and take ownership of their learning.
Gray, P. (December 4, 2015). Peter Gray: Self Directed Education. What Is It, How Does It Work? Retrieve from https://youtu.be/YoE480mzrk0?list=TLPQMTQwNTIwMjNPcXIJdsrIew
Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). COVA. It's about learning. Retrieved from www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=6991
Retrieve from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/668503138409179314/