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Behind the scene of the

Adversity is a call to action, and your freedom lies in taking the first step. Don't worry about the entire staircase, just take one step, and then tomorrow take another.

                                                                                                                        Kris Carr

I combined Duarte and Sinek's techniques for this PowerPoint presentation, so I started designing a display that met my audience's needs and created my story. After the Why was clear, I began to outline the narrative.

I  started pointing out the reality of our PDs (status quo), making my audience aware that we have a problem. I showed why it is crucial to change this practice and what we can lose if we continue doing it. I gave them the role of the hero and made them feel they had the power to change it. I will offer a solution with my Alternative PL proposal (what). Finally, I showed my audience how following Gulamhussein's five principles of an effective PL can make a difference. My next step was deciding on the software I wanted to use. Since I would use slides, audio, and video as a final product, I chose PowerPoint 360. Through the slides, I started spreading my ideas with images that illustrate my point, inspire the audience, and help them see the message. When the slides were ready, I started practicing out loud before I recorded. It took me longer than I expected because I wanted to sound myself but inspiring and clear. Finally, when satisfied, I recorded my presentation, exported it as a video, uploaded it to youtube, and added it to my e-Portfolio.

How "the call to action presentation" was created?

book resonance.jpg


Duarte, N. (2010). Resonate: Present visual stories that transform audiences. John Wiley & Sons., Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Duarte, N.  (2016,December 16). Duarte Design’s Five Rules for Presentations. YouTube.

Duarte, N. (2010. November 11 ). Uncovers common structure of greatest communicators. TEDxEast. Retrieve from

Sinek, S. (2018). How to Present Properly.  Retrieve from

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

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